
Make a 4th of July Fireworks Painting - using a Fly swatter!

The other day my son and I made a trip to the Dollar Store. Being that the 4th of July was right around the corner, I was keeping my eyes open for craft materials for a fireworks painting. I am happy to say that I hit the jackpot!

Materials used for fireworks painting
I found these unusual fly swatters with flowers affixed to one side of them, a "can strainer", and also inexpensive black poster board, and voila! An idea was born for the Fireworks painting.

Full list of materials we used: 

  • Black Poster Board (to represent the sky) (50 cents - Dollar Store)
  • 2 Fly swatters with ornamental plastic flowers on them ($1 each- Dollar Store)
  • Can Strainer ($1 Dollar Store)
  • Tempera Paint (Colorations, from Discount School Supply)
  • Bronze "Activity" Paint (Colorations, from Discount School Supply)
  • Meat packing trays to hold paint
  • stencil brush
  • glitter
  • sequins stars

I spread blue and red paint onto trays. My son pressed the fly swatter (flower-side down) into the paint and proceeded to swat away onto the black paper. WOW! I was impressed with how the splattered paint looked a lot like fireworks!

Soon he mastered double-fisted swat action! He was having fun!

Originally, I had just planned on him using 2 colors, but he insisted on me adding more (which, I must admit, made for a much more exciting picture in the end)! He then added green fireworks...

...and yellow fireworks to the painting. It all came together looking like the an explosion of color against a night sky.

After he was done using the fly swatters, I had him use the can strainer as a stencil to paint a different looking firework to the mix. With a stencil brush, he "stippled", or tapped bronze paint through the holes and onto the paper.

This was the result.

He placed the new fireworks all over the page where he saw fit. 

And then — to add even more pizazz — he sprinkled on glitter...

...and metallic stars to make it glow. 

I love how the painting looks abstract...

...but yet still looks like the beautiful lit-up sky of a 4th of July night.

Thanks for coming by and checking this out. Remember to "like" me on my Facebook Page if you want to stay informed of more kid craft ideas I post or find around the blogosphere! Have a fun holiday! Stay safe!


  1. Loveeeeee the idea. and that is one stunning painting! :) happy independence day to you.

  2. WOW!! That looks like so much fun. I am definitely keeping this in mind for next 4th of July. I may even try it out before then. Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a great idea!! I saw those fly swatters and couldn't imagine why they put a flower on them. I love how you used them!! Will definitely pin this to try next year. Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  4. That is one truly amazing painting, the process and the results! Thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

  5. What % of retail price do wholesalers usually get? I want to sell my product to a chain of paint stores.?

  6. This worked brilliantly. It looks so much like fireworks.

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.

  7. How fun is that?!?! Looks great! Thanks for sharing this on Hey Mom, Look What I Did on Adventures In Mommy Land!!


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