
Sea Horse Craft

This week is Eric Carle's birthday, the beloved author and illustrator of many modern classics, including, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?", "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", and "Papa, Please get the Moon for me".

We love his books in our household. In celebration of Mr. Carle turning 83, I decided to read his book "Mister Seahorse" and do a colorful textured craft with my son reminiscent of the paintings in his book. "Mister Seahorse" is about a male seahorse who is going to have babies! Mrs. Seahorse deposited the eggs in his pouch and he goes about meeting other male sea animals who also care for their unborns in unusual ways. As he meets each creature, many are hidden at first, and it was fun to have my son try to spot them. When the pages were turned, the creatures became unobscured. This provided a good opportunity to discuss the word "camouflage" with him. This was a sweet book, and my son enjoyed it thoroughly.

Now onward to our craft!

First we gathered up the materials:
  • 3 colors of tempera paint (I had my son choose his favorites, yellow, orange, blue)
  • 3 textured materials to apply the paint: a sponge, bubble wrap, and an egg carton
  • 3 containers/surfaces to hold paint that will accommodate size of textured materials (for sponge I used a simple little bowl, for bubble wrap I used a meat tray, and for egg carton I used a cafeteria food tray
  • Paper cut out in shape of a sea horse (I used this image as a guide to hand-draw the outline)
  • A googly eye

First my son used a sponge and stamped yellow paint over the entire surface of seahorse shape.

Then my son pressed the bubble wrap onto 2nd paint color (spread out on meat tray) and then stamped it on paper.

Then he pressed the egg carton into the 3rd color of paint and stamped it down onto the paper, covering the entire surface. 

As the last step he glued on the eye.

Voila! How do you like it?

Thanks for coming by and checking this out. Remember to "like" me on my Facebook Page if you want to stay informed of more kid craft ideas I post or find around the blogosphere! Have a wonderful day!


  1. this came out great! I never would have guessed you used a milk carton!

  2. Oh wow that makes such a great effect, I have never thought about using egg boxes. We love Mr sea horse to (although I loved it more before I spent 6 months reading it every night to goblin).

  3. That is a beautiful piece of art. I wouldn't mind hanging that up on the wall. What a great idea to experiment with different materials. It really looks like a sea horse with the textures. Thanks for linking up at Mom's Library

  4. this is gorgeous!

  5. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! I am DEFINITELY doing this next week, during "Under the Sea" week at our house. What a FUN craft!

  6. Wow! This project came out wonderfully. I love how intent he looks perfecting his craft :)

    I'd love for you to link this post to my Finished Friday blog party.

  7. Eric Carle is one of my favorite authors. My 2.5 year old is going to LOVE this!! Just clicked "pin". :)

  8. Oh my, ADORABLE! I love it.

    Thank you so much for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

    Maggy & Alissa

  9. What an amazing craft! We love Eric Carle's books at our house too.

  10. You have the best craft ideas!

  11. Great results with all the printed layers! thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  12. Oh, what fun!! That looks like such a fun activity. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  13. Oh he's such a cute little fella, it's one Eric Carle book we haven't got too.

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday Showcase.

  14. I really like all his layers!

  15. Love cute! Thanks for sharing this on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land!! Hope to see you again soon :)

  16. Wow! Gorgeous and simple!! Oh, and INEXPENSIVE! Well done, mama! :-) I will be doing this...

  17. I've featured this on the Sunday Showcase:

  18. I love this! The seahorse captures the imagination and I like how you used recycled egg cartons. I hope you will stop by and add a link to this post on Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3. Today is the first of what will be a weekly linky featuring posts about arts, crafts and play activities. Add as many links in this theme as you would like. I hope to see you there. If it is too late today, please come by next week.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  19. What a great winter craft! I need to keep this in mind for the January blahs.


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