
Scrapbook Page

Halloween scrapbook page! One finally completed!

I have been thinking a lot about starting to scrapbook again...I mean, really getting back into it. When Bode was an infant (and slept a lot) I digitally scrapbooked every moment I could, and as a result, I now have a really sweet book to look at and to remember his younger days by. It has been about 2 years since I stopped scrapbooking. My life just started to be busier — I started working again, and of course Bode grew older and so didn't sleep as much as he used to. Scrapbooking time became sparse.
Last week, I made myself sit down and complete a page. It felt good to finally do it again, and I hope that I continue. I have thousands of pictures in my iPhoto which I would rather not stay there!!!

I also wanted to mention that Jessica Sprague, an absolutely incredible digital and hybrid scrapbooking teacher is offering a free class on her website. Here is the link:
I highly recommend taking it, and checking out her other classes that her website offers (photography, working with Illustrator, working with an Intuos Tablet, retouching old photos, etc. etc.) I have taken probably 10 to 15 classes and love them all!!!

And last but not least, I want to mention a super cool giveaway: Imagine Childhood is giving away a handcrafted wooden bridge construction kit that pretty much any child I think would absolutely love. And they are also giving away a $50 gift certificate to their store to another lucky winner.
Here is the link. Good luck!

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